Article-No. 131420 | 100%-MIX FOR ROLLS
For making wholemeal spelt baked goods; variable in terms of the variety of baked goods. Also for making malt baked goods.
Schapfen Dinkel-Vollkornbrötchen is an uncomplicated mix for making spelt malt wholemeal rolls. Optimal processing properties are guaranteed with its 100 % addition. With Schapfen Dinkel-Vollkornbrötchen stable, dry and easily mouldable doughs are achieved. The composition of the nutritious raw materials results in an appetising baked volume with a delicate crispness and hearty bite. The baked goods can be easily produced in direct or long-term processing. The well-rounded, mildly aromatic taste and high fibre content make Schapfen Dinkel-Vollkornbrötchen wholemeal spelt rolls the ideal complement to a balanced diet. A wholemeal roll that tastes great!
Export Sales | J. Kutscher | +49 731 96746 - 23 |
Available in conventional cultivation quality.