baking trade - Export
Welcome to our sales division for the baking trade international

Quality wins – all over the world. More and more customers abroad are appreciating products adapted to the specific requirements of their country. The SchapfenMühle distribution network currently extends from Europe through partners worldwide.

Contact your technical advisor - idea creator and problem solver
Direct contact to your Technical Sales Manager 

Spain and Portugal: Export Customs Executive Anja Haug | | +49 731 96746 - 83

Europe and North America: Technical Sales Manager Bernhard Fortner | | +49 731 96746 - 41

Middle East / Africa: Technical Sales Manager Michael Muhry | | +971 561152047

Far East / Australia / New Zealand: Technical Sales Manager Clemens Barkhorn | | +49 151 12186710

"Meine Mühle" 

The Schapfen "Meine Mühle" concept combines the desire for authentic acting with modern baking. Learn more about the idea and how we implement it.

Picture baker
Proving, testing and advising
Our bakery
Picture yellow ears on blue background
Latest news 
Harvest Report 2021
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100%-mixes | concentrates | pastry | improver
A wide range of products for the baking trade

Contact person for bakery business
Bakery business national and international

Jürgen Ellerkamp
Sales Manager Business Unit Bakery

+49 731 96746 - 61