Article-No. 132220 | concentrate for bread
For making a nutty-tangy nut bread or a nut-wheat mixed bread with a high nut and malt content. Stays fresh and moist for a long time.
Standard baked goods often have a regional origin and are characterised by their raw materials or ingredients. Recognising this, resourceful bakers used the original recipes as starting points for new ideas for baked goods. And so began the development of the "Schapfen Tiroler Nussbrot" concentrate. The product contains the components that are decisive for the standard baked product. An expert then supplements standard ingredients such as sourdough, flours and other selected raw materials during the dough’s preparation, thereby combining reliability with his or her own baking ideas.
Export Sales | J. Kutscher | +49 731 96746 - 23 |
Available in conventional cultivation quality.
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