After last year's harvest was dominated by a lack of rain and heat waves, this year's harvest is experiencing significant weather caprices. A wet spring for weeks, followed by almost 8 weeks of drought in May and June, and then constant rain that repeatedly interrupted the harvest. Due to abundant and frequent rain, German farmers probably only harvested a smaller crop this summer. The qualities have also suffered to some extent. Insofar as the grain was harvested before the rainy period in the harvest period, good qualities can also be expected.

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Ralph Seibold
Executive Director

+49 731 96746 - 0

Food Industry

Christian Faul
Sales Manager Business Unit Food Industry

+49 731 96746 - 15

Food Retail

Jörg Elkemann
Sales Manager Business Unit Food Retail

+49 731 96746 - 67

Purchasing organic grain

Stefan Schiebel
Purchasing Manager

+49 731 96746 - 13

Purchasing conventional grain

David Quast
Grain Buyer

+49 731 96746 - 32

Bakery business national and international

Jürgen Ellerkamp
Sales Manager Business Unit Bakery

+49 731 96746 - 61